The Journey to Maturity


Embarking on the road of faith is akin to a continuous journey, a progression marked by relational and intellectual growth with God. Yet, for many, this odyssey can feel as if it has halted short of the envisioned destination. This topic is addressed several times within the Bible. The book of Hebrews serves as a poignant reminder to keep moving forward, a call to transcend the plateau where dreams and hopes may have momentarily stalled.

Hebrews 6:1-3 encourages believers to forsake elementary teachings and strive toward maturity. The scripture underscores the importance of progressing beyond foundational principles, urging believers to move past repentance and basic faith. The promise is clear: progress is attainable, contingent on God's allowance.

In contemplating the path to maturity, an Old Testament narrative offers profound insights. The Israelites, on their journey from Egyptian captivity to the promised land, faced a pivotal moment. In Numbers 13-14, God instructed Moses to send spies into the land as a test of their resolve. Unfortunately, the Israelites failed, leading to their sojourn in the desert. When they faced the battles, it would take to live in God’s promises they turned away in fear. Deciding that the battles would be more than they could handle. 

Remarkably, God did not abandon them. Their journey, while not punishment, was a period of divine provision and protection. However, they lived beneath the promised abundance. This narrative mirrors our spiritual journey; there are promises of abundance and blessings, not merely material wealth but the riches of God's nature—love, joy, peace, and more.

The challenge arises when we fall short or stall, failing to contend for the treasures inherent in our relationship with God. The Apostle Paul provides tools for pursuing maturity in Galatians 5:22-23, emphasizing the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Become self-aware: Rather than fostering self-criticism, focus on recognizing the fruit that emerges from your thoughts and contemplations. Cultivate the fruits of the Spirit, for they represent the essence of God blooming within you. Embrace and nourish thoughts that align with these virtues, allowing them to flourish. 

Engage in spiritual warfare: Identify and combat thoughts and actions that stand against the knowledge of God. Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 highlight the supernatural weapons available to dismantle destructive thoughts and imaginations. Wage war against elements that breed division, hostility, and antagonism. 

Evaluate your speech and posts: Communication extends beyond the mere act of expression; it encompasses how words are received. Be mindful of the fruit your words produce. Even if well-intentioned, assess the impact on others. Some messages, while true, may not be universally received. Adjust your communication style to foster the fruits of the Spirit.

These fundamental practices serve as a compass on the journey to maturity and the development of Christ's nature within. As you navigate life's roadmap, let these principles guide you toward the hope of glory—complete unity with the divine essence of Christ.

Lead Editor Profile: Dr. Leonard Hoffman

With an illustrious academic and spiritual journey spanning over four decades, Dr. Leonard Hoffman serves as the editor-in-chief of the Time Line New Testament Bible. His diverse roles have seen him wear many hats—evangelist, missionary, founder of congregations, senior pastor, and esteemed international theological educator. His fervor for imparting knowledge has led him to conduct pastoral training seminars across Central and South America as well as in the Philippine Islands.


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