Unlocking the Deeper Meaning of Christmas

 As I've matured, my appreciation for the positive aspects of Christmas has deepened. In a society increasingly secular, where referencing the Lord’s name or something holy is often deemed socially unacceptable, it's noteworthy that Christmas brings essential Gospel truths to public attention, showcasing our identity as a nation rooted in our Christian faith.

During this season, being out and about within the towns, entering stores, and partaking in business or friendly social events will often expose some of the most beautiful Christian songs, like the timeless "Hark! The Harold Angels Sing” by Charles Wesley, and popular old-time Christmas poems like “The Christmas Holly” by Eliza Cook. And who can forget some of the classic movies that bring such a positive message of hope, like “It’s a Wonderful Life”, written by Frank Capra and starring James Stewart? Throughout the holiday season, nativity scenes grace public spaces where any mention of the Lord might otherwise be scarce. Conversations emerge about loving one another as God did by sending His Son to Earth. Christmas serves as a poignant reminder of values that often fade into the background during other times of the year, providing a unique occasion for families to unite. In the broader context of preserving our Christian heritage, the celebration of Christmas stands as a noteworthy triumph.

While some individuals may only attend church during the Christmas season, it remains an opportune moment for them to encounter the message of faith, which brings the power of God into a person’s life. Christmas unfurls numerous prospects for sharing our faith, yet there exists a concern that the familiarity surrounding "Jesus’ Birth" has, at times, narrowed its focus solely on the birth of baby Jesus, inadvertently overlooking the profound truths embedded in that miraculous event. Hence, God assumed human form. The process entailed multiple prophecies of the Messiah being born, echoed through individuals over several thousands of years until Mary, through humility, received God's message and promise into her being, ushering in the conception of “Baby Jesus”, the Messiah to the world.

This brings me to two scriptures that I would like to emphasize:

What did the Angels really say?

Then suddenly there appeared with the angle a throng of the heavenly host, praising God and saying: Glory to Go in the highest heaven! And peace on earth to men who please him.” Luke 2:13-14 TLNT

The angels' proclamation in Luke 2:14, heralding "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men," often carries excitement, but also comes with a slight misunderstanding of what those words really mean. This declaration is not a heralding of an end to human hostilities but a pronouncement that the war between God and humanity has finally come to an end. Unfortunately, this Gospel of Peace is not universally comprehended, leading many to harbor the misconception that God remains displeased. Jesus has completely appeased God's wrath, and Christmas serves as a spotlight on God's boundless love and mercy.

Life without the seed can’t exist!

He told them this story, as follows: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a mustard see which a man took and sowed in his field.” Matthew 13:31 TLNT

In parallel fashion, our spiritual rebirth, articulated in Matthew 13:31, materializes through the incorruptible seed of God's Word. For a miraculous transformation to occur, this spiritual seed must find a home in our hearts. Analogous to water and fertilizer for a physical seed, prayer plays a crucial role in nurturing and maturing this divine seed. However, prayer alone, and without a seed, cannot produce miracles; the initial act of God’s Word being sent forth and planted like a seed is the miracle-producing substance. This is imperative.

The Gospel of Peace, evident during Christmas, goes way beyond the limited boundaries that we too often set within our own personal lives. The message of Jesus Christ’s freedom touches even those who haven't yet experienced a spiritual rebirth. It illuminates God's boundless love and mercy, putting the focus on positive news rather than dwelling on our shortcomings. The messages of unconditional love, God's remarkable power to save souls, and the profound idea that God, in His holiness, connected with unholy humanity through Jesus, creating a bridge for our freedom in this life and eternity—these should form a central theme throughout the entire year, not limited to the confines of the Christmas season.


Lead Editor Profile: Dr. Leonard Hoffman

With an illustrious academic and spiritual journey spanning over four decades, Dr. Leonard Hoffman serves as the editor-in-chief of the Time Line New Testament Bible. His diverse roles have seen him wear many hats—evangelist, missionary, founder of congregations, senior pastor, and esteemed international theological educator. His fervor for imparting knowledge has led him to conduct pastoral training seminars across Central and South America as well as in the Philippine Islands.


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